Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Building MochaUI.js From Git

This one really drove me insane.  I recently discovered JavaScript MooTools library & it's UI component, MochaUI.  MochaUI provides a powerful & easy-to-use library for developing rich internet applications (RIAs).

My issue began after finding that the version on the website was highly out of date.  I was looking to use OmniGrid alongside MochaUI, but the latest released version is mochaui-0.9.7.

After cloning the Git, I discovered that the new Demo contained far more features, and was much better laid out than the 0.9.7 release.  I also found that the JavaScript files were provided as "source" to MochaUI.  This confused the hell out of me, as how would I "build" JS files?!  Three hours later after scouring Google & the terrible documentation on github, I managed to find this blog post which pointed me in the right direction.

It turns out each MooTools component contains a "package.yml" YAML file which is fed to a PHP script called "Packager."  Package simply concatenates the source files listed in the manifest (package.yml) together.  So much for "building" the JS :/.

Here's the complete steps to produce a "mochaui.js" file from github.

First, clone the MochaUI codebase & cd to the new directory:

[user@box:~/Desktop/test]$ git clone git://
Cloning into mochaui...
remote: Counting objects: 11437, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (4806/4806), done.
remote: Total 11437 (delta 6610), reused 10172 (delta 5745)
Receiving objects: 100% (11437/11437), 3.29 MiB | 2.85 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (6610/6610), done.

[user@box:~/Desktop/test]$ cd mochaui/
Next, I had to modify the "package.yml" file to point to the correct sources directory.  The original was incorrect, containing the wrong path & core files.  Note: You must have the source files listed in this exact order, lest nothing will work properly.

My new "package.yml" file looked like so:

name: "MochaUI"

version: "0.9.8-dev"

exports: "mochaui.js"

web: "[]("

description: "MochaUI, A web applications user interface library"

license: "[MIT License]("

copyright: "© [AUTHORS.txt]"

  - "[Chris Doty]("
  - "[Greg Houston]("
  - "Scott F. Frederick"
  - "Joel Lindau"
  - "Harry Roberts"


   - "Source/Core/Core.js"
  - "Source/Core/Canvas.js"
  - "Source/Core/Content.js"
  - "Source/Core/Desktop.js"
  - "Source/Core/Column.js"
  - "Source/Core/Panel.js"
  - "Source/Core/Dock.js"
  - "Source/Core/Window.js"
  - "Source/Core/Modal.js"
  - "Source/Core/Themes.js"

Next, I proceded the use the same steps above to clone Packager from: git://

Once cd'ed into my packager directory, I ensured that I had PHP installed.  That's an entirely different subject, but if you have access to the "php" command, enter the PHP interactive shell with the command "php -a"

[user@box:~/Desktop/test/mochaui/packager]$ php -a
Interactive shell

php > require_once('packager.php');
php > $pkg = new Packager('replace_with_path_to_package.yml');
php > $pkg->write_from_files('mochaui.js', $pkg->get_all_files());
php > exit

Once in the interactive shell, we need to include the "packager.php" file with the require_once() method.  Once PHP knows about the Packager class, we can create a new instance.

As per the git's documentation (, we can see that the constructor to the Packager instance is simply the path to the "package.yml" manifest file.  In my case, this is simply the parent directory.  Next, the write_from_files() method takes two parameters, but we really only need to know about the first.  This is the output file name.  Considering we are building the "mochaui.js" file, that's what the parameter will be.

After exiting the PHP shell, your Packager should now contain the fully "built" mochaui.js file.

Hopefully that'll save you some time & research :).

Monday, November 1, 2010

Windows XP Left Pane Missing

A client recently struggled when his XP workstation's left pane disappeared.  This pane contains commons tasks such as emailing files.

A simple registry modficiaton was needed to remediate the issue:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


After applying the fix, I killed the "explorer.exe" process, then re-opened it.  The pane was now visible.